One of the most extraordinary experiences on offer at Kukutana is a sunrise hot air balloon ride over the idyllic countryside surrounding this exclusive private-hire home. This magical adventure is wonderful to share with family and friends and an exciting way to discover Andalusia from a different perspective.
Rising early to chase the sunrise, guests are given hot coffee and delicious breakfast treats, prepared by Kukutana’s chef, Isabel, to kick-start the day. If the weather feels fresh, there’s a pile of thick ponchos to choose from by the front door, then a snooze in the car to reach the hot air balloon launch site just as the morning light begins to soften the night’s sky.
Watching the hot air balloon as it is coaxed to life is almost as exciting as the voyage itself.
The experts lie the empty balloon flat across the field– it must be positioned perfectly straight and angled correctly against the wind – then the spectacle begins: giant fans send wind roaring through the mouth of the balloon and rapid-fire bursts of flames blast hot air surging into its heart.
Filling such a capacious vessel is a game of precision and patience. The team welcome extra hands from enthusiastic passengers, encouraging them to participate in holding open the mouth of the balloon and teasing it wider as air is forced through – so close to the flames one can feel the heat.
Slowly, the great patchwork dome begins to rise.
At last, the wicker basket, risen from its slumber, topples into an upright position signalling imminent lift off. There’s a short window to leap inside, before gliding heavenward.
And then… almost imperceptibly… you’re floating.